Our lab is committed to providing an inclusive learning environment for all members and the broader scientific community. The scientific institutions we are a part of have and continue to systemically disadvantage women; immigrants; and Black, Latinx, Native American, working class, and LGBTQ+ scientists. We are committed to combating these systems and biases. We are dedicated to fostering each researcher’s intellectual and personal development to the highest degree. We strive to develop a group in which all individuals are valued, respected, and heard without judgment or prejudice, and we welcome scientists of all identities, abilities, and backgrounds. We recognize that achieving these goals will require ongoing work, individually and collectively. The success of our research program is not solely measured in publication rates, awards, and grants; but on our ability to nurture scientific excellence and personal wellbeing in a diverse group of individuals.
Graduate Students
Jeremy Liang
Postdoctoral Fellows
Lab Managers